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  • Howdy! I commented on your post about misc small parts... I have been looking all over for the red cap that goes on the positive terminal of the fuse box... or the entire lid if that's one piece I suppose... didn't really look into how it attaches.

    If you happen to find one I will gladly pay what you want for it plus shipping of course.

    My address is 70 Trellis Ct Clayton NC 27520
    Ok, I'll try to get that out to you this week.
    Rauq. I follow things you post, you are always helpful! ME? I'm still on the road, no Goblin kit in my future(so far). I helped complete a "stalled" Goblin. It is completed and driving now.(this is the second build I've helped with.) Owner was in Ft. Worth TX and my son had just added to his family, in FW(another grand son!) I return to my shop April 1 for 2 months of thrashing! Wish me luck!
    While in FW, Red Oak, TX was only an hour south of us. I got to visit the DF facility and met with Adam. We were glad to finally meet, as I had sparked his interest 3 years ago when I was considering RWD swap on an HHR. That idea foundered when it became apparent I would lose the back seat.(Grandkid seats) Enter GOB-BALT!
    I am in "Other Builds"
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