anyone in colorado have the glass windshield laying around?


Well-Known Member
I am looking to use a glass windshield to get VIN inspection in Colorado, I thought there was one floating around for use.

Anyone have one I can "rent" from you for a day??

Otherwise its off to Montana I go. Thanks!


Goblin Guru
I don't remember any discussion of a "spare" glass windshield. There have been a few that have made a glass windshield work, but I don't remember any that would be a simple bolt on. Most, if not all, used a windshield frame that was permanently attached to the car.

If Colorado requires a "glass" windshield, they may even want one that has the DOT stamp still on it, which may mean even a cutdown approved windshield may not pass inspection.


Well-Known Member
I found a thread on here where someone (motoracer?) used a glass windshield off of amazon for a jeep and modified it to bolt to the mirror brackets, I was under the assumption that more than 1 person had used it to pass inspection. Well if no one can loan me one then I will do Montana and tell Colorado to go F itself.

Colorado is starting to suck major ass. They passed a Colorado pro hobbiest kit car bill in 2007 to encourage kit car builders, then make it very hard and expensive and time consuming to register. Liberal logic at it finest. You don't see slingshots or can-ams with glass windshields. go figure.

Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
Hmm, there's been lots of discussion threads about trying to meet some states safety requirements for the windshield and there are several Goblin builders who were able to meet them. Maybe reach out to some of them to determine the fabrication factor before completely giving up. :cool: Since it sounds like you can register in Colorado if you can get the safety stuff done.

Can-Ams and Slingshots are 3 wheeled, so they fall under the motorcycle rules. :( Seems unfair, but I'm wondering how that would work if someone installed a DF 324 kit on a Slingshot? Is it still a motorcycle with four wheels?


Well-Known Member
Hmm, there's been lots of discussion threads about trying to meet some states safety requirements for the windshield and there are several Goblin builders who were able to meet them. Maybe reach out to some of them to determine the fabrication factor before completely giving up. :cool: Since it sounds like you can register in Colorado if you can get the safety stuff done.

Can-Ams and Slingshots are 3 wheeled, so they fall under the motorcycle rules. :( Seems unfair, but I'm wondering how that would work if someone installed a DF 324 kit on a Slingshot? Is it still a motorcycle with four wheels?
here I am thinking that the government would use reason and logic. haha silly me

I am specifically irritated because I have to wait at least 7 weeks for a vin inspection.
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