Firewall screw hardware


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have the specs on the screw hardware needed to put the two firewall panels in behind the seats? I went to put them in but can't find the hardware package for it.


Goblin Guru
I think it was supposed to be a bunch of rivets. I ended up using M4 rivnuts and the securing it with M4 button head bolts and lock washers. I wanted it to be easily removable.


Goblin Guru
My goblin came with rivets for the firewall... but I too used rivnuts instead. Welcome back Aaron!


Goblin Guru
On Instagram have you run across "Josh09"? He is north, near Denton. I helped him finish his car in August. I had to leave so I didn't get a first ride! I hope to drop in on "Them" at Christmas when I'm back through town to visit Grand Sons!(and their Mom and Pop.) My son currently the Wrangler (of horses) at FW Stockyards. He can get you pix with a tame Longhorn, I believe.